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Cei 64 8.pdf

Cei 64 8.pdf

Cei 64 8.pdf is the name of the file that contains the eighth edition of the Norma CEI 64-8, which is the Italian standard for electrical installations of buildings. The Norma CEI 64-8 specifies the requirements for the design and construction of low-voltage electrical installations and constitutes the reference standard for performing electrical installations according to the rules of art, as expressly required by the Law 186/68 and by the DM 37/08 on the safety of technical installations inside buildings.

The eighth edition of the Norma CEI 64-8 was published in 2021, nine years after the publication of the seventh edition. It integrates all the variants that have followed in the meantime, as well as several new contents. The main novelties of the new edition are:

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  • The standard has been updated with prescriptions that align it with the Fire Prevention Code of the Fire Brigade.

  • The Chapter 37 on the levels of electrical installations in residential environments has been completely revised.

  • The Part 6, dedicated to verifications, has been reorganized and completed.

  • The Part 8.1, dedicated to energy efficiency of electrical installations, has been rewritten, incorporating the second edition of the corresponding European harmonization document HD.

  • The Part 8.2, dedicated to active low-voltage users (i.e. producers and consumers), has been inserted, which incorporates a European harmonization document.

  • A sheet of interpretation, published in 2017, has been added, regarding the application of the CPR Regulation on cables.

This consolidated version of the CEI 64-8 reports, at the end of the articles of standard and when deemed appropriate, interpretations and comments on the normative prescriptions, with particular reference to their application in Italy.

The new edition of the Norma CEI 64-8 is available in PDF format on the portal "MyNorma" ([1]). To accompany the new edition, CEI has published the volume "La CEI 64-8: novità e corretta applicazione dellVIII Edizione", which constitutes a vademecum born with the intention of facilitating the user of the Norma CEI 64-8 in grasping the variations, changes, additions and deletions introduced by the new edition.

For more information on Cei 64 8.pdf, you can visit these web pages:


  • [Pubblicata la nuova edizione della Norma CEI 64-8 per impianti elettrici utilizzatori - CEI]

  • [NUOVA NORMA CEI 64-8 Edizione 2021 - CEI MyNorma]


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